Agora Coin: N 24251
Inventory Number:   N 24251
Section Number:   Η'-3542
Category:   Coin
Description:   Chronology uncertain.
Notes:   Coin no. 7.
Context:   Black earth from below 0.70m. below top of Byzantine wall.
Obverse:   Head of Athena r., wearing Corinthian helmet.
Reverse:   ΑΙΤΩ/ΛΩΝ
Herakles standing half l.
Notebook Page:   929, 970, 1586
Weight:   3.87
Die Axis:   9:00
Material:   Bronze
Metal:   Bronze
Chronology:   Early 2nd c. B.C.
Date:   1 July 1933
Section:   Η'
Grid:   Η':36-42/ΞΕ-Ο
Lot:   Lot Η' 85
Period:   Greek
Region:   Aitolia
Authority:   Aitolian League
Bibliography:   Agora XXVI, no. 580 c.
Published Type:   BMC Thessaly, nos. 64-72.
References:   Publication: Agora XXVI
Lot: Η' 85
Notebook: Η'-5
Notebook: Η'-9
Notebook Pages (4)