Agora Coin: N 5848
Inventory Number:   N 5848
Section Number:   ΒΓ-502
Category:   Coin
Description:   Year 8.
Notes:   Coin no. 502; Hoard, coin no. 36.
Reverse:   K
In field above M and cross, l. ANNO, r. (?)III, beneath TES.
Notebook Page:   499, 1375-1377
Weight:   5.30
Denomination:   Half Follis
Material:   Bronze
Metal:   Bronze
Chronology:   572/573 A.D.
Date:   26 May 1971
Section:   ΒΓ
Grid:   J/17-4/18
Deposit:   J 4:1
Period:   Byzantine
Mint:   Thessalonica
Authority:   Justin II and Sophia
Bibliography:   AgoraPicBk 18 (1978), fig. 7.
    Hesperia 42 (1973), pp. 301-309.
Published Type:   DOC I, p. 223, no. 75.
References:   Publication: AgoraPicBk 18 (1978)
Publication: Hesperia 42 (1973)
Deposit: J 4:1
Card: ΒΓ-500-502