Agora Deposit: L 2:5
Title:   Pithos D
Supervisor:   Anne McCabe
Category:   Pithos
Keyword:   Archaic-Classical
Description:   Pithos D, adjacent to Pithos A at the NE, is built of stone and broken tile, beehive-shaped, unlined, with no floor. The wall of Pithos D appears to have been cut by the construction of the mortar wall of Pithos A, and both vessels were damaged by the modern basement. Loose brown earth was removed from the highest preserved level of Pithos D (Lot 518) until the bottom of the lowest course of masonry of the vessel wall was visible. The fill contained brown-glazed pottery and a few sherds of sgraffito ware. At 53.764m. At 53.764m. was found a segment of a bronze toothed blade (BH 228). Three coins were found in the fill, BH-291, 296, 297, all illegible. The damaged upper courses of the wall of Pithos D were dismantled from 53.911m. (the highest preserved level) to 53.495m., the point of greatest circumference (Lot 519).
Contents:   Coins
31 July 2007 #291.
1 August 2007 #296-#297.
Date:   4-6 July 2007
31 July 2007
Section:   ΒΗ
Grid:   L/19,20-2/19,3/1
Elevation:   53.982-52.609m.
Masl:   52.609-53.982m.