Agora Image: 1997.15.0186 (8-102)Looking down into the ancient draw basin from the southwest corner. The projecting ends of the marble linings of the three inlets are conspicuous near the south end of the east wall.
Archive Number:   1997.15.0186
Title:   Looking down into the ancient draw basin from the southwest corner. The projecting ends of the marble linings of the three inlets are conspicuous near the south end of the east wall.
Negative:   8-102
Date:   1938
Bibliography:   Hesperia 12 (1943), p. 211, fig. 11.
Rating:   1
Section:   ΟΑ
Storage:   Drawer 15
References:   Publication: Hesperia 12 (1943)
Image: 2012.26.0376 (8-102)