Agora Image: 2009.03.0573 (Section ΝΝ 1066)Pyre in situ (deposit B 19:5), looking north, showing stacked vessels, lopadion with lid in place.
Archive Number:   2009.03.0573
Title:   Pyre in situ (deposit B 19:5), looking north, showing stacked vessels, lopadion with lid in place.
Negative:   Section ΝΝ 1066
Date:   19 Sep 1947
Notebook Page:   6123
Rating:   2
Section:   ΝΝ
References:   Image: 2012.39.1189 (Section ΝΝ 1066)
Image: 2015.01.0068 (Section ΝΝ 1066)
Deposit: B 19:5
Notebook: ΝΝ-31
Notebook Page: ΝΝ-31-67 (pp. 6122-6123)