Agora Image: 2012.31.0745 (Section ΒΓ 341)Area north of Well J 5:1, in intersection of Panathenaic Road and West Road before cleaning of bases, from southeast (for comparison with deep modern disturbance in area see ΒΓ I, p.53, p 162).
Archive Number:   2012.31.0745
Title:   Area north of Well J 5:1, in intersection of Panathenaic Road and West Road before cleaning of bases, from southeast (for comparison with deep modern disturbance in area see ΒΓ I, p.53, p 162).
Negative:   Section ΒΓ 341
Date:   3 Aug 1971
Notebook Page:   1348
Rating:   2
Section:   ΒΓ