Agora Image: 2012.32.0943 (Section ΓΓ 246)Southern Room at 25-29/ΙΘ-ΚΔ from southwest. 1 is north wall of Room at ΙΘ-Κ. 2 is east wall of Room at 25. 3 is crudely built stone wall overlying pit in south half of Room. 4 is area of ash and non-ash fills. 5 is kalikia west of west end of ΙΘ-Κ wall. 6 is floor strosis. 7 is pit in souther half go Room to west of line of fallen stones (stones removed).
Archive Number:   2012.32.0943
Title:   Southern Room at 25-29/ΙΘ-ΚΔ from southwest. 1 is north wall of Room at ΙΘ-Κ. 2 is east wall of Room at 25. 3 is crudely built stone wall overlying pit in south half of Room. 4 is area of ash and non-ash fills. 5 is kalikia west of west end of ΙΘ-Κ wall. 6 is floor strosis. 7 is pit in souther half go Room to west of line of fallen stones (stones removed).
Negative:   Section ΓΓ 246
Date:   9 Jun 1939
Notebook Page:   1533
Rating:   2
Section:   ΓΓ