Agora Image: 2012.48.0462 (Section ΩΔ 56)Area from east: completed. 1: East interior wall of Odeion: Pre-Odeion floor of square. 2: South interior wall of Odeion. 3: South wall of Late Roman Building.
Archive Number:   2012.48.0462
Title:   Area from east: completed. 1: East interior wall of Odeion: Pre-Odeion floor of square. 2: South interior wall of Odeion. 3: South wall of Late Roman Building.
Negative:   Section ΩΔ 56
Rating:   2
Section:   ΩΔ
References:   Notebook: ΩΔ-2
Notebook Page: ΩΔ-2-35 (pp. 261-262)