Agora Object: Agora XII, no. 359
Dimensions:   H. 0.081; diam. 0.106.
Chronology:   480-450 B.C.
Deposit:   O 19:7
Published Number:   AV 12.359
References:   Object: P 25700
Flaring ring foot. Reserved: underside with circle and dot. Glaze mottled red to black.

The following have the handle-panel glazed, as 359: P 1101 I 17:1; P 15707 G 18:1-L; P 15981-2 F 19:4. P 21893 N 7:3 Hesperia, XXII, 1953, p. 73, fig. 2 and pl. 29, 27, has a concave moulding beneath and is a more elaborate variation.