Agora Object: Agora XII, no. 534
Dimensions:   H. 0.041; diam. 0.092.
Chronology:   Ca. 430 B.C.
Deposit:   M 18:8
Bibliography:   Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, p. 319, fig. 1, 156 and pl. 94, 156.
Published Number:   AV 12.534
References:   Object: P 9819
One handle missing, restored.

Moulded foot; a ridge around lower part of wall. Com- pletely glazed. Decoration inside: circle of ovules, zone of palmettes, two circles of ovules, zone of linked palmettes.

P 2294 R 13:4 Hesperia, IV, 1935, p. 488, fig. 10, 17 and p. 502, fig. 20, 17 and P 23280 O 16:1-2 have the same pat- tern and stamp as 534 and the same treatment of foot and underside. P 8094 F-G 9-10 Hesperia, VI, 1937, p. 155, fig. 90 e, has the same underside and a slightly less elaborate pattern. For this early shape with ridged foot and elaborate pattern, cf. Nostell Priory 34.