Agora Object: Agora XII, no. 618
Dimensions:   H. 0.065; diam. est. 0.135.
Chronology:   410-400 B.C.
Deposit:   B 13:5
Published Number:   AV 12.618
References:   Object: P 10910
Both handles missing.

Moulded ring foot; thickened lip with broad shallow groove on outside, offset inside. Reserved: underside with glazed band, four circles and dot. Scraped groove above junction of wall and foot. Decoration inside: five linked palmettes (one missing), circle of ovules.

For the pattern cf. P 10976 B 15:1 Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, pls. 86, 33 and 87, 33, and P 5736 E 16:1-U Hesperia, XXIV, 1955, pl. 66, 1, four-petalled rosette in center, made of ovules.