Agora Object: Agora XXIX, no. 1781
Dimensions:   Est. Diam. 8.5; P.H. (a) 2.9; max. p. dim. (b) 4.9.
Chronology:   Context of 250-175
Deposit:   M 21:1
Published Number:   AV 29.1781
References:   Object: P 31864
Banded Fragments.

P 31864 a, b

Two nonjoining fragments, one (a) with part of rim.

Fragment a flares out to a molded rim with offset below on outside.

Fragment b has nearly vertical wall, slightly convex below, slightly flaring above. Inner and outer surfaces decorated with alternating white and brown glaze bands. Fairly hard, micaceous, reddish yellow fabric (5YR 7/6) with very small black and red inclusions and voids.