Agora Object: Agora XXX, no. 1192
Chronology:   Early 4th century B.C.
Deposit:   No grid
Published Number:   AV 30.1192
References:   Object: P 8734
Floor fragment with molded underside and ring base. Glaze fired red on underside; flaked. Max. dim. 0.145. LIMC V, 1990, p. 129, sub 2922, s.v. Herakles.

Apotheosis of Herakles. Herakles (from about the waist up) stands or sits to left, a cloak over his shoulders, his club held in his left hand (now missing). Around his head is a wreath. On his right is Nike (most of wreathed head, one wing, a little of torso), dressed in a himation, also to left. Preliminary sketch. Relief contour. White: wreaths; flesh of Nike.

For the subject, see 440.