Agora Object: P 10355
Inventory Number:   P 10355
Section Number:   ΟΧ 149
Title:   Red Figure Bell Krater Fragment
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Below laurel border head of boy right, behind which hand of another figure on a larger scale(?). Thin glaze for sideburns.
Head of a second youth, at left, added from sherds (1956).
Context:   North and N.W. of 'stele'.
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   Diam. ca. 0.36; Max. Dim. 0.14
Date:   12, 17 March 1936, 1956
Section:   ΟΧ
Elevation:   -1.4 to -10.7m.
Lot:   Lot ΟΧ 82
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Hesperia 32 (1963), p. 132, no. 14, pl. 49.
    ARV2, p. 1055, no. 68.
References:   Publication: Hesperia 32 (1963)
Card: P 10355