Agora Object: P 11763
Inventory Number:   P 11763
Section Number:   Υ 409
Title:   Vessel Fragment with Graffito
Category:   Pottery
Description:   From the wall of a coarse pot.
Incised outside: <graphic>
Pale buff clay. Unglazed.
Context:   Drain pit, upper red fill, mixed to 5th. c. A.D. Tin 17.
Negatives:   Leica
PD Number:   PD 1133-2(B 20)
Dimensions:   Max. Dim. 0.069
Date:   22-23 February 1937
Section:   Υ
Grid:   Υ:31-32/ΜΘ-Ν
Deposit:   K-L 18-20:1
Lot:   Lot Υ 17
Period:   Roman
Bibliography:   AgoraPicBk 14 (1974), fig. 85.
    Agora XXI, no. B 20, p. 11, pl. 3.
References:   Publication: Agora XXI
Publication: AgoraPicBk 14 (1974)
Drawing: PD 1133-2 (DA 5522)
Deposit: K-L 18-20:1
Lot: Υ 17
Notebook: Υ-3
Notebook: Υ-4
Notebook Page: Υ-3-91 (pp. 572-573)
Notebook Page: Υ-4-8 (pp. 605-606)
Card: P 11763