Agora Object: P 22261
Inventory Number:   P 22261
Section Number:   Ε 701
Title:   Plate Fragment with Rouletting
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Single fragment of foot and floor. From a platter with large, high ring foot. Exterior of foot marked with two broad bands of rouletting and horizontal grooves.
Granular reddish clay; reddish glaze on floor only.
Notes:   In envelope marked "Roman Pottery 1932"; uncertain if Section Α or Ε.
Negatives:   Leica
PD Number:   PD 3083-137, DA 10001
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.051; Est. Diam. (foot) 0.28
Date:   1932
Section:   Ε
Lot:   Lot Ε 261
Period:   Roman
Bibliography:   Hayes (1972), no. Ib, p. 140.
    Agora XXXII, no. 1139, fig. 35, pl. 56.
References:   Publication: Agora XXXII
Drawing: PD 3083-113; PD 3083-114; PD 3083-115; PD 3083-116; PD 3083-117; PD 3083-118; PD 3083-119; PD 3083-120; PD 3083-121; PD 3083-122; PD 3083-123; PD 3083-124; PD 3083-125; PD 3083-126; PD 3083-127; PD 3083-128; PD 3083-129; PD 3083-130; PD 3083-131; PD 3083-132; PD 3083-133; PD 3083-134; PD 3083-135; PD 3083-136; PD 3083-137; PD 3083-138; PD 3083-139; PD 3083-140; PD 3083-141; PD 3083-142; PD 3083-143; PD 3083-144 (DA 10001)
Notebook: Ε-7
Notebook Page: Ε-7-72 (pp. 1302-1303)
Card: P 22261