Agora Object: P 2475
Inventory Number:   P 2475
Section Number:   Ε 395
Title:   Amphora
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Similar to P 2474. A ring of short oblique strokes around the base of the neck.
Context:   North well, Stoa pit E.
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   Diam. 0.227; H. 0.301
Date:   1 July 1933
Section:   Ε
Elevation:   -6.00m. to -7.00m.
Deposit:   H 9:1
Lot:   Lot Ε 343
Period:   Byzantine
Bibliography:   Hesperia 83 (2014), p. 687, no. 13.
References:   Publication: Hesperia 83 (2014)
Deposit: H 9:1
Notebook: Ε-4-BIS
Notebook Page: Ε-4-BIS-90 (pp. 753-754)
Card: P 2475