Agora Object: P 27053
Inventory Number:   P 27053
Section Number:   Ε 729
Title:   Dish Fragments
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Fragment of "Late Roman Red" dish. About one-third preserved; mended into two pieces. Late Roman dish fragments. a) Rim to wall preserved in three joining fragments; base missing. Chipped around the rim. Accidental streaks of slip on outside.
b) Added Jan 1964. Five joining fragments of floor with foot. Curving floor, low bevelled foot. The fragment from container 125-126 is burnt dark brown. (JWH)
Context:   Late Roman filled gully.
Negatives:   Leica
PD Number:   PD 3083-134, DA 10001
Dimensions:   Max. Dim. a) 0.153, b) 0.243; Est. Diam. 0.405, (foot) 0.15
Date:   June 1962
Section:   Ε
Deposit:   I-J 9:1
Lot:   106,
    Lot Ε 125
    Lot Ε 126
    Lot Ε 127
Period:   Roman
Bibliography:   Hayes (1972), no. 1, p. 136, Form 88.
References:   Drawing: PD 3083-113; PD 3083-114; PD 3083-115; PD 3083-116; PD 3083-117; PD 3083-118; PD 3083-119; PD 3083-120; PD 3083-121; PD 3083-122; PD 3083-123; PD 3083-124; PD 3083-125; PD 3083-126; PD 3083-127; PD 3083-128; PD 3083-129; PD 3083-130; PD 3083-131; PD 3083-132; PD 3083-133; PD 3083-134; PD 3083-135; PD 3083-136; PD 3083-137; PD 3083-138; PD 3083-139; PD 3083-140; PD 3083-141; PD 3083-142; PD 3083-143; PD 3083-144 (DA 10001)
Deposit: I-J 9:1
Notebook: Ε-7
Notebook Page: Ε-7-80 (pp. 1318-1319)
Notebook Page: Ε-7-81 (pp. 1320-1321)
Card: P 27053