Agora Object: P 27425
Inventory Number:   P 27425
Section Number:   ΜΣ 1081
Title:   Scoop Fragment
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Three joining fragments broken all around. Formerly thought to be from the shoulder of an askos. Spring of a strap handle preserved. Incised with a zigzag line between double lines top and bottom; on handle oblique lines. Traces of cream-colored fill in lines on back of handle.
Coarse biscuit buff on outside, ash gray at core.
Cf. Agora XIII, pp. 35-37, nos. 111-124, esp. no. 120.
Cf. examples from Kephala, Keos I, nos. 98, 102, 173.
Context:   Shallow well between Middle and South Stoas.
Notebook Page:   1940
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   Max. Dim. 0.07
Date:   13 July 1940
Section:   ΜΣ
Elevation:   -1.6--1.6m.
Deposit:   M 14:1
Lot:   Lot ΜΣ 356
Period:   Neolithic
Bibliography:   Hesperia Suppl. 20 (1982), pp. 60-61, pl. 9 e, f.
Published Type:   Agora XIII, pp. 35-37, nos. 111-124, esp. no. 120.
    Keos I, nos. 98, 102, 173.
References:   Publication: Agora XIII
Publication: Hesperia Suppl. 20 (1982)
Deposit: M 14:1
Card: P 27425