Agora Object: P 30668
Inventory Number:   P 30668
Section Number:   Ν 982
Title:   Miniature Basket-Handled Vessel Fragments
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Two fragments of small biconical vessel.
a) Part of slight lip at rim, painted on outside with traces of vertical wavy bands.
b) Lower body fragment with painted horizontal bands.
Fine micaceous clay with occasional fine white grits, yellowish-red buff. Highly polished. Reddish paint.
Notes:   Catalogued 6 June 1974.
Context:   Mycenaean tomb. B 194.
Notebook Page:   1812, 1817, 2019
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   P.H. a) 0.025, b) 0.025; P.W. a) 0.027, b) 0.028
Date:   22 April 1952
Section:   Ν
Grid:   Ν:03/ΛΖ
Deposit:   J 10:1
Lot:   Lot Ν 194
Period:   Mycenaean
Bibliography:   Hesperia 44 (1975), p. 378, fig. 1.
    Agora XIII, Tomb XII, pp. 196, 199.
References:   Publication: Agora XIII
Publication: Hesperia 44 (1975)
Deposit: J 10:1
Lot: Ν 194
Notebook: Ν-10
Notebook: Ν-11
Notebook Page: Ν-10-14 (pp. 1817-1818)
Notebook Page: Ν-11-21 (pp. 2019-2020)
Notebook Page: Ν-11-22 (pp. 2021-2022)
Card: P 30668