Agora Object: P 31363
Inventory Number:   P 31363
Section Number:   ΒΕ 515
Title:   Black Glaze Bowl: Stamped
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Mended from many pieces; complete profile preserved, fragment of rim missing. Small bowl with incurving rim. On inside, nine stamped palmettes, linked by egg pattern. Groove in resting surface, nipple on bottom. Reserved ring at top of base.
Attic clay.
Cf. Agora XII, no. 828.
Conservation Status:   Finished
Context:   Classical Building II, sacrificial pyre I.
Negatives:   82-66-3, 82-67-13, 82-67-14
Dimensions:   H. 0.038; Diam. 0.096, (foot) 0.056
Date:   15 July 1982
Section:   ΒΕ
Grid:   J/16-2/16
Elevation:   51.66m.
Masl:   51.66m.
Deposit:   J 2:3
Lot:   Lot ΒΕ 829
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Hesperia Suppl. 47 (2013), pyre 7, pp. 109-110.
    Hesperia 53 (1984), p. 46, pl. 11:e.
Published Type:   Agora XII, no. 828.
References:   Publication: Agora XII
Publication: Hesperia 53 (1984)
Publication: Hesperia Suppl. 47 (2013)
Images (4)
Deposit: J 2:3
Card: P 31363