Agora Object: P 32183
Inventory Number:   P 32183
Section Number:   ΝΝ 5256
Title:   Flagon Fragments
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Parts of neck and top of body (six joined fragments and a single sherd). High conically-tapered neck with plain knife-cut rim; narrow shoulder-offset with groove, narrow steep-sided body. No traces of a handle preserved.
Smooth thin yellow-brown ware, glossy vermillion-red slip on exterior, overlapping rim.
Perhaps Boiotian/Central Greek fabric.
Context:   Brown gravelly fills.
Negatives:   94-52-10a(11a)
PD Number:   PD 3083-257, DA 10012, DA 10261
Dimensions:   Est. Diam. (rim) 0.05; P.H. (rim) 0.063, (body) 0.060
Material:   Ceramic
Date:   April 1939
Section:   ΝΝ
Lot:   112, 129
Period:   Roman
Bibliography:   Agora XXXII, no. 1747, fig. 55.
References:   Publication: Agora XXXII
Drawing: PD 3083-245; PD 3083-246; PD 3083-247; PD 3083-248; PD 3083-249; PD 3083-250; PD 3083-251; PD 3083-252; PD 3083-253; PD 3083-254; PD 3083-255; PD 3083-256; PD 3083-257; PD 3083-258; PD 3083-259; PD 3083-260; PD 3083-261; PD 3083-262; PD 3083-263; PD 3083-264; PD 3083-265; PD 3083-266; PD 3083-267; PD 3083-268; PD 3083-269; PD 3083-270; PD 3083-271; PD 3083-272; PD 3083-273; PD 3083-274; PD 3083-275 (DA 10012)
Drawing: DA 10261
Image: 2012.80.1750 (94-52-11a)
Notebook: ΝΝ-43
Notebook: ΝΝ-46
Notebook Page: ΝΝ-43-21
Notebook Page: ΝΝ-43-23
Notebook Page: ΝΝ-46-23 (pp. 8435-8436)
Card: P 32183