Agora Object: P 32737
Inventory Number:   P 32737
Section Number:   ΒΕ 1535
Conservation Number:   1458
Title:   Saucer
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Almost complete; several chips joined at rim, small sections missing from rim.
Unglazed small pyre saucer with concave base (faint string marks), slightly convex wall with outurned rim.
Fine buff clay.
Cf. Agora XXIX, no. 1470, 325-275 B.C.
Conservation Status:   Finished
Context:   Pyre, Basket 8.
Notebook Page:   7135
Negatives:   98-42-30, 98-42-31, 98-42-35(34)
Dimensions:   Diam. 0.08; H. 0.012
Material:   Ceramic
Date:   13 June 1996
Section:   ΒΕ
Grid:   K/1-1/20
Elevation:   52.93m.
Masl:   52.93m.
Deposit:   K 1:3
Lot:   Lot ΒΕ 2183
Basket:   8
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Hesperia Suppl. 47 (2013), pyre 20, p. 122.
Published Type:   Agora XXIX, no. 1470.
References:   Publication: Agora XXIX
Publication: Hesperia Suppl. 47 (2013)
Images (4)
Deposit: K 1:3
Card: P 32737