Agora Object: P 34768
Inventory Number:   P 34768
Section Number:   ΒΖ 1144
Title:   Attic Transport Amphora Fragment
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Single fragment. Nearly one-quarter of rim with start of neck.
Plain wide projecting heavy rounded rim with sharp turn down at neck.
Blackish-brown glaze around outer face of rim. Smooth light-brown surface, micaceous with fine grained brown core, sparse visible gray glassy and very rare whitish inclusions.
Context:   Well
Notebook Page:   1909, 1919
PD Number:   DA 13642
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.033; Est. Diam. 0.13
Date:   9 August 1994
Section:   ΒΖ
Grid:   J/6,7-2/19,20
Elevation:   49.141-48.731m.
Masl:   48.731-49.141m.
Deposit:   J 2:4
Lot:   Lot ΒΖ 685
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Hesperia Suppl. 46 (2011), p. 298, no. A2, fig. I.2.
References:   Publication: Hesperia Suppl. 46 (2011)
Drawing: DA 13642
Image: 2008.06.0134
Deposit: J 2:4
Card: P 34768