Agora Object: P 35003
Inventory Number:   P 35003
Section Number:   Ι 1801
Title:   Bowl Fragment: Later Corinthian Slip-coated Ware
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Rim sherd of a flanged bowl with part of wall.
Shape is a derivative of conspectus form 34 in Italian Sigillata or of Hayes, form 3 in (later) Çanderli Ware.
Fabric comparable to that of Corinthian molded bowls.
Smooth orange clay; orange-red slip over all, mostly thin and matt, but fired deep red (waxy gloss) on exterior above flange.
Date: 2nd or early 3rd c A.D.
Context- pre 267-268 A.D. (Herulian destruction).
Notes:   Added 15 February 2006.
Context:   Library destruction fills and Valerian Wall footing trench. Layer 12.
Notebook Page:   2115-2116, 2139-2140, 2146, 2274, 2290
PD Number:   PD 3083-254, DA 10012
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.045; Est. Diam. (lip) ca. 0.17, (flange) 0.176;
Date:   2-4, 18-24 May 1939
Section:   Ι
Lot:   Lot Ι 194
Period:   Roman
Bibliography:   Agora XXXII, no. 1735, fig. 55, pl. 87.
References:   Publication: Agora XXXII
Drawing: PD 3083-245; PD 3083-246; PD 3083-247; PD 3083-248; PD 3083-249; PD 3083-250; PD 3083-251; PD 3083-252; PD 3083-253; PD 3083-254; PD 3083-255; PD 3083-256; PD 3083-257; PD 3083-258; PD 3083-259; PD 3083-260; PD 3083-261; PD 3083-262; PD 3083-263; PD 3083-264; PD 3083-265; PD 3083-266; PD 3083-267; PD 3083-268; PD 3083-269; PD 3083-270; PD 3083-271; PD 3083-272; PD 3083-273; PD 3083-274; PD 3083-275 (DA 10012)
Image: 2007.11.0546
Image: 2009.06.0045
Card: P 35003