Agora Object: P 3728
Inventory Number:   P 3728
Section Number:   ΟΕ 160
Title:   Bowl
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Much missing from side wall. Flat bottom, slightly offset. Shallow lower bowl; tall, almost vertical upper wall. No trace of handle.
Gritty red clay covered with a thin purplish wash.
Context:   Well on slopes of Kolonos.
Negatives:   Leica
PD Number:   PD 3083-429, DA 10765
Dimensions:   Diam. 0.106; H. 0.05
Material:   Ceramic
Date:   3 May 1934
Section:   ΟΕ
Elevation:   -17.00 to -18.80m.
Masl:   -18--13m.
Deposit:   G 8:1.2
Period:   Roman
Bibliography:   Agora XXXII, no. 1615, fig. 51.
References:   Publication: Agora XXXII
Drawing: PD 3083-420; PD 3083-421; PD 3083-422; PD 3083-423; PD 3083-424; PD 3083-425; PD 3083-426; PD 3083-427; PD 3083-428; PD 3083-429; PD 3083-430; PD 3083-431; PD 3083-432; PD 3083-433; PD 3083-434; PD 3083-435; PD 3083-436; PD 3083-437; PD 3083-438; PD 3083-439; PD 3083-440; PD 3083-441; PD 3083-442; PD 3083-443; PD 3083-444 (DA 10765)
Deposit: G 8:1
Deposit: G 8:1.2
Notebook: ΟΕ-2
Notebook Page: ΟΕ-2-43 (pp. 269-270)
Card: P 3728