Agora Object: P 5029
Inventory Number:   P 5029
Section Number:   Ξ 160
Title:   Plate or Bowl Fragment with Relief Decoration
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Fragment of rim of a Late Roman A plate or shallow bowl with relief decoration of stem and bird.
Granular red clay with an orange-red glaze.
Context:   Mixed fill.
Negatives:   Leica
PD Number:   PD 1171-141, PD 3083-52, DA 9999
Dimensions:   Max. Dim. 0.114
Date:   6 March 1935
Section:   Ξ
Period:   Roman
Bibliography:   Agora XXXII, no. 953, fig. 30, pl. 50.
References:   Publication: Agora XXXII
Drawing: PD 1171-141 (DA 8979)
Drawing: PD 3083-52; PD 3083-53; PD 3083-54; PD 3083-55; PD 3083-56; PD 3083-57; PD 3083-58; PD 3083-59; PD 3083-60; PD 3083-61; PD 3083-62; PD 3083-63; PD 3083-64; PD 3083-65; PD 3083-66; PD 3083-67; PD 3083-68; PD 3083-69; PD 3083-70; PD 3083-71; PD 3083-72; PD 3083-73; PD 3083-74; PD 3083-75; PD 3083-76; PD 3083-77; PD 3083-77; PD 3083-79 (DA 9999)
Card: P 5029