Agora Object: P 6876
Inventory Number:   P 6876
Section Number:   ΠΘ 573
Title:   Black Glaze Bowl or Plate Fragment with Graffito: Stamped
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Black glazed bowl or plate with very broad ring foot and stamped palmettes at center of floor.
Incised on floor: <graphic>
Context:   Hellenistic and early Roman fill.
Negatives:   Leica
PD Number:   PD 1133-7(E 14)
Dimensions:   Diam. (base) 0.064
Date:   27 February 1936
Section:   ΠΘ
Grid:   ΠΘ:24-28/ΜΕ-ΞΔ
Deposit:   B-C 10-11:1
Lot:   Lot ΠΘ 60
    Lot ΠΘ 59
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Hesperia 25 (1956), p. 19, no. 81, pl. 4.
    Agora XXI, no. E 14, p. 23, pl. 10.
References:   Publication: Agora XXI
Publication: Hesperia 25 (1956)
Drawing: PD 1133-7 (DA 5527)
Deposit: B-C 10-11:1
Card: P 6876