Agora Object: P 8621
Inventory Number:   P 8621
Section Number:   ΚΚ 994
Title:   Black Glaze Oinochoe Fragment with Graffito
Category:   Pottery
Description:   From the base of a black glazed oinochoe. Miltos outside.
Incised: <graphic>
Three joining sherds of the base, frags. b and c (added later?) make up three-quarters of foot. Not mentioned in Agora XXI. (Nov. 2017)
Context:   Furnace waste pit, layer III, bottom (4th. c.). With P 8608 ff.
Negatives:   Leica
PD Number:   PD 1133-20(F136)
Dimensions:   Max. Dim. 0.045
Date:   29 May 1936
Section:   ΚΚ
Grid:   ΚΚ:60/ΛΗ
Elevation:   -3.50 to -4.00m.
Masl:   -4--3.5m.
Deposit:   E 6:3.3
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Agora XXI, no. F 136, p. 39, pl. 16.
References:   Publication: Agora XXI
Drawing: PD 1133-20 (DA 5538)
Deposit: E 6:3
Deposit: E 6:3.3
Notebook: ΚΚ-6
Notebook: ΚΚ-7
Notebook Page: ΚΚ-6-105 (p. 1199)
Notebook Page: ΚΚ-7-77 (pp. 1343-1344)
Notebook Page: ΚΚ-7-81 (pp. 1351-1352)
Card: P 8621