Agora Object: P 9149
Inventory Number:   P 9149
Section Number:   ΠΘ 2292
Title:   Cup Fragment: Barbotine
Category:   Pottery
Description:   One handle and part of rim. Upper body slightly concave, meets lower body at an angle; raised ridge below rim. In handle zone, raised bars and ridges, horizontal and vertical.
Glaze coppery outside, black inside.
Context:   Well.
Negatives:   Leica
PD Number:   PD 3083-398, DA 10011
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.043;
Material:   Ceramic
Date:   March-April 1936
Section:   ΠΘ
Grid:   ΠΘ:47/ΚΖ
Elevation:   -21.53--21.53m.
Masl:   -21.53m.
Deposit:   D 11:1
Period:   Roman
Bibliography:   Agora XXXII, no. 1587, fig. 49, pl. 76.
References:   Publication: Agora XXXII
Drawing: PD 3083-381; PD 3083-382; PD 3083-383; PD 3083-384; PD 3083-385; PD 3083-386; PD 3083-387; PD 3083-388; PD 3083-389; PD 3083-390; PD 3083-391; PD 3083-392; PD 3083-393; PD 3083-394; PD 3083-395; PD 3083-396; PD 3083-397; PD 3083-398; PD 3083-399; PD 3083-400 (DA 10011)
Deposit: D 11:1
Card: P 9149