Agora Object: S 1798
Inventory Number:   S 1798
Section Number:   ΚΤΛ 343
Title:   Cuirass Fragment
Category:   Sculpture
Description:   Flake from front of cuirass statue of Roman emperor.
Above, right arm of a Triton (?) holding a victory (?) in his hand; below, one of the lappets of the first row, with ram's head in profile, and one of second row with a rosette.
Sloppy work.
Micaceous Pentelic marble.
Context:   From circled marbles.
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   Max. Dim. 0.30
Material:   Marble (Pentelic)
Date:   February 1954
Section:   ΚΤΛ
Bibliography:   Martens (2023), pp. 154-159, fig. 11, n. 75.
    Dillon (2022), pp. 76, 80, fig. 11, n. 15.
References:   Publication: Dillon (2022)
Publication: Martens (2023)
Image: 2018.03.0247
Image: 2018.03.0248
Card: S 1798