Agora Object: S 2908
Inventory Number:   S 2908
Section Number:   Ω 2004
Title:   Statuette Fragment: Aphrodite
Category:   Sculpture
Description:   Broken off at waist and below knees. Back surface flaked away.
Standing female with weight on right leg. Himation draped around back and over advanced left thigh. Chiton seems to have been thin and clinging over body, but falls in heavy folds over right leg. Scheme like S 378 but reversed.
Pentelic marble.
Context:   From circled marbles.
Notebook Page:   3176
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.285; P.W. 0.16; P.Th. 0.11
Material:   Marble (Pentelic)
Chronology:   1st c. B.C. (?).
Date:   18 August 1977
Section:   Ω
Bibliography:   Hesperia 81 (2012), pp. 297, 299, 308, 317, 330, no. 19, fig. 28.
References:   Publication: Hesperia 81 (2012)
Image: 2010.01.0227
Notebook: Ω-16
Notebook Page: Ω-16-93 (pp. 3176-3177)
Card: S 2908