Agora Object: SS 11337
Inventory Number:   SS 11337
Section Number:   Ν 789
Title:   Stamped Amphora Handle: Unidentified
Category:   SS Misc.
Description:   Rectangular stamp.
Notes:   Msc: nt that some early Th stps spell =Eu'=- names as =Eo=:
=Eoago"rhs= (Bon 0088), =Eorua"nac= (BM 549) w/ ep = `Ippi"dhv=(VG 21.ix.63)*
Context:   Area south of east-west late Roman wall; 4th century A.D. Hole.
Writing:   ΕΟΔ (framed)
Notebook Page:   1635
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   Th. 0.02; W. 0.046
Date:   13 March 1952
Section:   Ν
Deposit:   J 11:1
Bibliography:   Hesperia Suppl. 10 (1956), nos. 29, 215, 229, 236-241 (for deposit).
References:   Publication: Hesperia Suppl. 10 (1956)
Deposit: J 11:1
Notebook: Ν-9
Notebook Pages (5)
Card: SS 11337