Agora Object: SS 15149
Inventory Number:   SS 15149
Section Number:   ΚΤΛ 3771
Title:   Stamped Amphora Handle: Thasian
Category:   SS Thasian
Description:   Broken at both end, scratched and nicked.
Upper part of handle; part of rectangular stamp preserved.
Medium coarse, pinkish micaceous fabric. No slip.
Notes:   Added in March 2016.
Context:   Found in 1937, in Section Y (marked in ink).
Writing:   [Θασ] ίων
[Ά] ρι [σ]το [-]
Dimensions:   P.L. 0.087; W. 0.043
Date:   1937
Section:   ΚΤΛ
Bibliography:   Agora XXXVII, no. 484b.
References:   Publication: Agora XXXVII
Images (7)
Card: SS 15149