Agora Object: SS 321
Inventory Number:   SS 321
Section Number:   Ε 209
Title:   Amphora Handle: Inscribed
Category:   SS Misc.
Description:   Arches and curves close to neck; broad.
Coarse, micaceous, pink to buff clay, traces of light slip.
Letters appear to have been engraved in the wet clay.
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   W. 0.04
Date:   9 April 1932
Section:   Ε
Grid:   Ε:06/ΜΗ
Bibliography:   Hesperia 3 (1934), p. 243.
References:   Publication: Hesperia 3 (1934)
Notebook: Ε-3-BIS
Notebook Page: Ε-3-BIS-23 (pp. 425-426)
Card: SS 321