Agora Object: SS 3398
Inventory Number:   SS 3398
Section Number:   Ξ 109
Title:   Stamped Amphora Handle: Thasian
Category:   SS Thasian
Description:   Curve fragment.
Micaceous brownish-red clay.
Stamped on the curve; caduceus.
Notes:   Dim: L of hdl 0.072*
Conservation Status:   Finished
Context:   Strosis 1.
Writing:   Σάτ̣υρο[ς]
caduceus l.
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   Th. 0.022; W. 0.042; H. (of handle) 0.072
Date:   25 February 1935
Section:   Ξ
Grid:   Ξ:68/ΟΑ
Elevation:   Ca. 60.50.
Masl:   60.5m.
Bibliography:   Bon (1957), p. 374, no. 1516.
    Agora XXXVII, no. 359.
Published Type:   Bon 1516
References:   Publication: Agora XXXVII
Image: 2017.11.0474
Card: SS 3398