Agora Object: T 2197
Inventory Number:   T 2197
Section Number:   ΝΝ 1682
Title:   Mold Fragments for Relief Plaque
Category:   Terracotta Moulds
Description:   Fragment a), large fragment with part of raised edge of mold for part (head) of horse, broken away at beginning of neck.
Fragment b), corner fragment with raised edge, and part of fabric.
Pink clay, fine, buff at surface. Thick fabric.
ADDENDA: C. Grandjouan: Fragment a) mold for part of cow or bull, grasped at horns by person 's hand.
Context:   East terrace.
Late Hellenistic fill.
Notebook Page:   2715
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   P.H. a) 0.16, b) ca. 0.13; P.W. a) 0.12, b) 0.09
Date:   25 April 1940
Section:   ΝΝ
Grid:   ΝΝ:124-130/Δ-ΣΤ
Bibliography:   Hesperia Suppl. 23 (1989), p. 54, pl. 19, no. 79.
References:   Publication: Hesperia Suppl. 23 (1989)
Notebook: ΝΝ-13
Notebook: ΝΝ-14
Notebook Page: ΝΝ-13-59 (pp. 2508-2509)
Notebook Page: ΝΝ-14-62 (pp. 2715-2716)
Card: T 2197