Agora Object: T 2987
Inventory Number:   T 2987
Section Number:   ΣΑ 656
Title:   Mold Fragment For Male Figurine
Category:   Terracotta Moulds
Description:   Mold for a youthful male figure, seated, holding a torch in his left hand; curling locks fall to his shoulders. To his right, a bald bearded snub-nosed head at a much larger scale.
Broken below; a wide finished edge preserved only at the left in the mold but the narrow edge on the opposite side seems for the most part original.
Mouth chipped away.
Perhaps a mask (?).
Firm pinkish-buff clay.
Context:   Stoa Construction fill; Pier 18, footing trench at South of Pier; 4th. B.C.
Notebook Page:   912
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   Max. Dim. (mould) 0.072, (cast) 0.062
Date:   26 July 1949
Section:   ΣΑ
Deposit:   P-R 6-12
Bibliography:   Hesperia 47 (1978), p. 385, pl. 93.
References:   Publication: Hesperia 47 (1978)
Deposit: P-R 6-12
Card: T 2987