Agora Object: T 4078
Inventory Number:   T 4078
Section Number:   ΡΡ' 496
Title:   Mold Fragment
Category:   Terracotta Moulds
Description:   Parts of all sides seem to be preserved and front and back.
Parts of two corners missing.
Mold for a triangular-shaped object, subject not clear.
Smoothed back.
Fabric pinkish-yelow with gray core.
Cf. T 4083, and T 4152.
ADDENDA Deity (?) by a column. Preserved part of a column on an indistinct base. The imprecision may be partly due to drapery hanging down over plinth.
Context:   Well in Room 6, box 65, layer I.
Notebook Page:   1649
Negatives:   Leica, 81-49-21, 81-49-22
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.061; P.W. 0.082
Date:   2 August 1973
Section:   ΡΡ'
Elevation:   -18--18m.
Masl:   -18m.
Deposit:   U 13:1
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Hesperia 64 (1995), p. 480, no. 28, pl. 107.
Is Similar To:   Agora:Object:T 4083
    Agora:Object:T 4152
References:   Publication: Hesperia 64 (1995)
Deposit: U 13:1
Card: T 4078