Corinth Basket: NB84 B101 P66
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   NB84 B101 P66
Area:   Korakou
Category:   Basket/zembil
Notebook:   84
Context:   101
Page:   66
Date:   1916/06/29
Stratum:   J VII
Notes:   VII 1.20-1.40 LM I sherds few.
Minyan Mattmalerei 1 sherd
red and bl. like jugs in 6th Shaft Gr
Yellow Minyan characteristic very little red and black lustral
Chronology:   LH I
Site:   Korakou
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   -1.4--1.2m.