Corinth Basket: NB985 B19 P54
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   NB985 B19 P54
Area:   Panaghia north
Category:   Basket/zembil
Notebook:   985
Context:   19
Page:   54
Date:   2007/04/24
Lot:   Lot 2007-004
Stratum:   Interior of hearth. Light greyish brown. Fine grained very soft. 5-10% inclusions. Medium to coarse pebbles, poorly sorted. Clayey sand.
Notes:   Basket 19 removes the clay from the interior of the hearth. This removed a thin grey-white layer of clay. This clay was most prevalent in the southwestern part of the hearth. We imagine that this clay sediment formed part of the bottom of the hearth. There were very little inclusions in this layer and the basket was closed very shortly after it was begun. We closed the basket when the whiteish clay was completely removed and when the workmen noticed a soil change underneath basket 19; two different soils were observed. A more loose grayer soil was observed in the SE part of the hearth. This soil appears to have cut into the hearth and will be removed as a separate basket in basket 20. The second soil was a redder soil which formed the majority of the interior of the hearth. This red soil, interpreted as the interior hearth fill, will be excavated as basket 21.
Context Pottery:   Fineware. Semi-glazed bowl 1 (saved to lot) .
Pottery Summary:   1 frag(s) 0.02 kg. (100% saved) fineware.
    2 frag(s) 0.02 kg. (100% saved) coarseware.
    4 frag(s) 0.02 kg. (100% saved) cooking ware.
Period:   Hellenistic
Chronology:   NPD
Grid:   411.59-411.03E, 976.44-977.13N
XMin:   411.03
XMax:   411.59
YMin:   976.44
YMax:   977.13
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   91.02-91.09m.
References:   Notebook Page: NB 985, spread 32 (pp. 54 - 55)