Corinth Basket: Nezi Field, context 10086
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   Nezi Field, context 10086
Area:   Nezi Field
Context Type:   Wall
Title:   Wall
Category:   Cut
Notebook:   1104
Context:   10086
Page:   0
Date:   2009/02/11
Description:   Structure materials: Primarily reused squared limestone blocks, occational unworked cobbles and roof tiles. Material size: max. block=0.49m x 0.61 (H. not fully revealed). A. Material finish: limestone blocks were squared. Material construction: rubble masonry, reused blocks, fairface out.. Material bonding: none evident. Features: none.
Notes:   Alicia Carter
Size of Materials: max. block=0.49m x 0.61 (H. not fully revealed). Ave. cobble=0.18m x 0.27 x 0.06
This wall is being recorded as part of a plan to apply to have walls removed in this part of the site in order to reveal an 11th century AD phase of a house for public display. This wall was revealed during excavations in 1961 recorded in NB 229. It was not given a 1961 wall # but appears on a sketch in NB 229, pg 188.
This wall was built flush up against the east exterior wall (10087) of the 11th century phase of this house and should be interpreted as a part of a later addition to the east side of the house-wall 10086 would have formed the west wall of this added space (10083, the east). The fact that this wall was built at all, rather than simply using the existing wall 10087 as the western wall of this space, suggests to me that this space may not be part of the house at all, but a separate construction undertaken by a different person.
Travlos records this wall on his plan but goes on to hypothesize that this wall continues southwards all along the length of the 11th century east wall of the house until it meets wall 5342. I do not support this idea as walls 10079 and 10083 bond so perfectly and wall 10084 abuts them. I suggest instead that wall 10086 only continues as far south as wall 10079. This will have to be tested by excavation.
Grid:   282.2-281.66E, 1030.82-1034.23N
XMin:   281.66
XMax:   282.2
YMin:   1030.82
YMax:   1034.23
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   84.95m.