Corinth Basket: Nezi Field, context 395
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   Nezi Field, context 395
Area:   Nezi Field
Context Type:   Fill
Title:   Tile layer at N baulk
Category:   Deposit
Notebook:   1101
Context:   395
Page:   0
Date:   2008/06/05
Lot:   Lot 2008-035
Stratum:   90% tile, angular - sub rounded pebbles, ceramic, bone
Description:   Top slope of the context is slight down to the E. The soil color is mixed. The soil compaction is firm. The soil is poorly sorted. It is silty clay.
Notes:   The silty clay ranges from light yellowish brown in the E to dark yellowish red near the center, and dark yellowish brown near the W edge, where there is also a greater amount of sand. The Inclusions are almost entirely tile, with some angualr and sub rounded pebbles, ceramics, and bone.
The line where the soil switches from red to dark brown is at 267.12E. To the W of this point the tile may be sitting on the BAL (see dep 391), as it is visible in the baulk to the N (from 1930's test excav.).
The tiles extend into a robbing trench directly to the S of W portion of this layer, and may go beneath a red/black/white clay patch S of the trench (beneath 391).
A line of stones near the W edge has tiles beneath and on both sides of it. In this area the tiles are 3-4 layers thick, as opposed to only 1 in the E 1/2.
Many of the tiles join.
The stones on the W side are removed, as they have the same earlth and tiles beneath them.
The Line of red/brown was fugative and is no longer visible when the tile layer is removed; BUT: a robbing trench edge, left from the earlier excavations is visible running E-W along the N baulk after 395 is removed. The trench was mostly removed by earlier excavations, leaving only a part of the cutting still recognizable.
Tiles: 7 zembilia = 137.60KG. 3 near complete tiles (length not fully preserved) measure 0.37Lx0.20Wx0.02th; 0.37Lx0.22Wx0.02th; 0.27Lx0.22Wx0.02th
Context Pottery:   Coarseware. amphora. 1 bodysherd. ; Fineware. pre frankish4 bodysherds. ; Fineware. glaze painted IV, slipped (1220-1260), bowl. 1 rim. 1 bodysherd. (saved to lot) .; Coarseware. pithos. 3 handles. 1 bodysherd. (saved to lot) .; Fineware. light on dark IV, slip painted (1225-1260), bowl. 2 bodysherds. (saved to lot) .; Coarseware. pitcher. 1 rim. 1 bodysherd. ; Fineware. premedieval3 bodysherds. ; Fineware. slipped plain glazed (1100-1300), bowl. 1 rim. (saved to lot) .
Pottery Summary:   13 frag(s) 0.15 kg. (46% saved) fineware.
    89 frag(s) 1.32 kg. (8% saved) coarseware.
    6 frag(s) 0.08 kg. (0% saved) cooking ware.
Period:   Frankish (1210-1458 AD)
Chronology:   2nd 1/4 of 13th
Grid:   270.1-264.7E, 1012.99-1014.09N
XMin:   264.7
XMax:   270.1
YMin:   1012.99
YMax:   1014.09
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   87-87.22m.
References:   Report: Nezi Field 2008 by Joseph Lillywhite, Joel Rygorsky, Matthew Sears, Martin Wells (2008-04-07 to 2008-06-13)