Corinth Basket: Nezi Field, context 451
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   Nezi Field, context 451
Area:   Nezi Field
Context Type:   Robbing trench
Title:   Robbing Trench
Category:   Cut
Notebook:   1103
Context:   451
Page:   0
Date:   2009/04/03
Description:   The context shape in plan is sub-rectangular. The top break of the cut is sharp. The sides of the cut are vertical. The base of the cut is flat. Truncation: no, but it truncates possible foundation trench of wall 366..
Notes:   These notes were written on 9/4/09 after the excavation of the robbing trench fill was completed. The identification of the robbing trench cut was made on 3/4/09 when we first started digging the robbing trench fill. The bottom was revealed on 6/4/09 with the excavation of 453. This cut was identified with the excavation of context 450 on 3/4/09. The removal of 450 showed us the top part of the cut and the removal of 453 showed us the extent of the pit and its bottom. The W side of the cut touches on the intersection of walls 366 and 332 and actually cuts into them. The corner of the walls is not completely removed (we think that the purpose of this cut was to rob the stones from these walls); however, the biggest part of the corner was removed (see plan). The excavation of 450 also revealed part of a floor (reddish surface) on the S side of the cut. We believe that the robbing trench cuts into this floor. Excavation of the context 456 on 7/4/09 on the N side of the robbing trench cut revealed what might be the remains of the foundation trench for wall 366. If this is the case then the robbing trench cuts into the foundation trench. The discovery of an almost whole vessel in context 453 in the S part of the robbing trench and right next to the remains of the foundation of wall 332 led to its identification as a foundation deposit and led us to the hypothesis that we have another foundation trench, for wall 332, which was in fact cut from the robbing trench. The removal of 453 revealed the continuation of the foundations of walls 366 and 332. We uncovered one course of stones running at the bottom of the robbing trench and some more stones on a higher elevation that seem to be part of the second course of the wall. The stones belonging to the foundations of wall 366 stop at the eastern most side of the robbing trench. There are a variety of problems/questions associated with this robbing trench. B54 was excavated in 2007 and was identified as a robbing trench. We believe that robbing trench cut 451 is the continuation of the same robbing trench. Because of the boundaries of the Nezi field in 2007 the excavation could not continue W. This is probably the reason for the scarp that was visible when we began excavating at the E side of the robbing trench. This also means that the E side of our context is not the edge of the robbing trench cut. We probably have the W edge of the cut which is on the intersection of walls 366 and 332. A further problem is the exposure of the foundations of walls 366 and 332. If what we have is the bottom of the robbing trench then why did the robbers not remove the stones that they uncovered? Does this mean that we missed the bottom and we went down to a lower elevation? Also we have the presence of the foundation of wall 366 that stops at the E end of context 453. Can we explain the missing continuation of wall 366 because of robbing activity (B54)? The would imply that we haven't actually missed the bottom of the cut. Another question is the relation of cut 451 to B54: do we have two different robbing activities or one? The fact that we did not notice any change when we were digging at the E end of 453 might indicate that we have one instance of robbing.
The dating of the robbing trench fill and the cut will give us a terminus ante quem for the use of walls 366 and 332 and the red floor uncovered to the S of 451 and the platform 452.
Measurements for cut 451
length: 1.20 m
max. width: 1.30 m
min. width: 0.93 m
depth from floor to bottom: 0.49 m
depth from top of wall to bottom: 0.67m
bottom elevation on soil: 87.82
bottom elevation on lower stone: 87.98
bottom elevation on higher stone: 88.20
23 April 2009, Later notes, SD/CC
We dated this cut in the 13th c. based on stratigraphic relationships.
Period:   Frankish (1210-1458 AD)
Chronology:   13th century
Grid:   263.38-262.47E, 1006.08-1006.99N
XMin:   262.47
XMax:   263.38
YMin:   1006.08
YMax:   1006.99
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   86.82-87.21m.
References:   Report: Nezi Field 2009 by Stella Diakou and Cavan Concannon (2009-03-30 to 2009-04-16)