Corinth Basket: Nezi Field, context 6398
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   Nezi Field, context 6398
Area:   Nezi Field
Context Type:   Fill
Title:   Fill
Category:   Deposit
Notebook:   1103
Context:   6398
Page:   0
Date:   2009/05/13
Lot:   Lot 2009-055
Stratum:   15% inclusions: pebbles, pottery, bone; soil is ashy in places, and redder in other places
Description:   The soil color is light reddish brown. The soil compaction is firm. The soil is poorly sorted. It is silty sand.
Notes:   Fill 6398 was revealed by the excavation of 6397. After 6397 was excavated, this next surface was revealed beneath it. This surface is higher and seems to be later than the surrounding features which is why we are excavating it at this time, before the other surfaces/features.
After the excavation of 6397 Panos noticed some traces of ash that he wanted to try to trace out.
As Panos excavated this context, he noticed another floor surface underneath (6408).
It also revealed that there may have been some remaining fill from the bothros towards the edge of the bothros; Panos will remove these contexts next (6403, 6404).
On the northern side, Panos also revealed two round ashy areas which will be excavated after the bothros fill areas (6406, 6407).
Context Pottery:   Fineware. sgraffito II, slipped painted (1200-1260), plate. (saved to lot) .; Fineware. premedieval7 bodysherds. ; Fineware. slipped plain glazed (1100-1300), bowl. 2 rims. (saved to lot) .; Fineware. frankish incised, plate. 3 rims. (saved to lot) .
Pottery Summary:   14 frag(s) 0.13 kg. (36% saved) fineware.
    100 frag(s) 1.16 kg. (0% saved) coarseware.
    28 frag(s) 0.17 kg. (0% saved) cooking ware.
Context Artifacts:   Bone- Not in Table - 1 example(s).; glass clear green bs 1; glass blue tessera square 1; shell spondylus 2; iron nail complete round shank .075m 1 head 1; Bone- cranial of Sus scrofa (Wild Boar or Domestic Pig) - 1 example(s).; Bone- metapodial of Capra aegagrus hircus (Sheep/Goat) - 1 fragment(s). ; Bone- phalanx of Capra aegagrus hircus (Sheep/Goat) - 2 complete example(s). ; Bone- radius of Sus scrofa (Wild Boar or Domestic Pig) - 1 fragment(s). ; Bone- vertebrae, thoracic of Capra aegagrus hircus (Sheep/Goat) - 1 example(s).
Period:   Frankish (1210-1458 AD)
Chronology:   mid-13th
Grid:   266.79-265.89E, 1025.02-1027.32N
XMin:   265.89
XMax:   266.79
YMin:   1025.02
YMax:   1027.32
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   84.73-84.81m.
References:   Report: Nezi Field 2009 by spongberg hammond lima (2009-05-20 to 2009-05-21)