Corinth Basket: Nezi Field, context 762
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   Nezi Field, context 762
Area:   Nezi Field
Title:   Cleaning / Removal of white clay layer in well 671
Category:   Deposit
Notebook:   1106
Context:   762
Page:   0
Date:   2012/05/03
Lot:   Lot 2012-017
Stratum:   Inclusions 30%: small stones, rocks, charcoal, bone
Description:   The soil color is light yellowish brown. The soil compaction is firm. The soil is poorly sorted. It is silty clay.
Notes:   After completing excavation of pit spur 760, it was thought best to explore the white clay layer appearing halfway up the pit. With pick-expert Thanasis Noti at the controls, the dirt started flying. It appears that the white clay layer was perhaps rather thin and in, in removing it, the operation turned into a cleaning of the pit walls themselves. Since it was impossible to completely protect the clay extraction, since it was hanging off the side of a pit, we treated this context as a cleaning context, that is, contaminated. Some more geometric pottery emerged, along with the complete profile of a Hellenistic salt cellar, and a pot that Director of E. Guy DR Sanders tentatively suggested was 19th century, which had been embedded about 1/4 of the way down the side of the pit.
The cleaning operation ended somewhat abruptly--it seems that Thanasis was especially thorough in scraping the sides to make sure that we had indeed found the edges--and the scraping may have slightly intruded into the surrounding contexts. The edges are now quite clear, however. At the bottom, we have bedrock, and to all four cardinal directions, the edges of the pit. To the SE, the pit cut into our current pit (that is, cut 431, which cut our pit/well) was not touched, except as a step down when accessing the ladder. Safety first!
Context Pottery:   Coarseware. jug. (saved to lot) .; Fineware. coarse incised, slipped style V (1200-1220), bowl. 1 rim. (saved to lot) .; Fineware. pre-Medieval92 bodysherds. (saved to lot) .Geometric, proto-Corinthian, including cp kotyle and Hellenistic cp salt cellar ca. late 4th/early 3rd; Fineware. sgraffito I, slipped painted (1160-1180), dish. 1 bodysherd. (saved to lot) .
Pottery Summary:   97 frag(s) 0.54 kg. (100% saved) fineware.
    193 frag(s) 2.92 kg. (100% saved) coarseware.
    29 frag(s) 0.15 kg. (100% saved) cooking ware.
Context Artifacts:   small bit of amorphous bronze (saved to lot); iron nail, broken (saved to lot); bone bead, round- MF-2012-15 (saved to lot); conical loomweight, complete, Corinth 12, profile 9 (saved to lot)
Period:   Frankish (1210-1458 AD)
Chronology:   ca. 1230
Grid:   261.35-260.19E, 1003.4-1004.81N
XMin:   260.19
XMax:   261.35
YMin:   1003.4
YMax:   1004.81
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   83.87-85.41m.
References:   Object: MF 2012 15