Corinth Basket: Temple E, Southeast, context 8
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   Temple E, Southeast, context 8
Area:   Temple E, Southeast
Title:   Wall west of courtyard
Category:   Structure
Notebook:   1108
Context:   8
Date:   2014/04/08
Description:   Structure materials: Limestone, tile. Material size: Limestone: 0.27x0.24x0.14m; tile: 0.10x0.065m. Material finish: Roughly hewn. Material construction: Random courses. Material bonding: Cement.
Notes:   This wall lies along out western limit and forms the west wall of the courtyard area/NW passage. It corresponds with Wall 4 in NB 866 and NB 880 (cf. NB 866 pg. 114-5, 117-8, 122, 131-6; NB 880 pg. 40-4). It first appeared that only the southern extent of the wall had been excavated and was exposed, but after removing the back fill in the northern portion was revealed. The north half only preserves a lower course. The wall is construced with various sized stones with some tiles in two lines of stones with at least three courses preserved, as seen on the western face. The south half of the western face of the wall was exposed and left revealed. At the south it forms a clear corner and the wall turns to the west. This E-W wall continues into the previously excavated Area 3, though some parts have been robbed out. this E-W wall appears to continue into the scarp further west. It should be noed that this E-W wall was called Wall 8 in NB 88 and is not part of this structure.
Later notes (24/4/14) SMK:
Our bottom elevation and height are not the full meaurements but only what we have revealed this season.
Grid:   95.8-95.2E, 1059.55-1063.51N
XMin:   95.2
XMax:   95.8
YMin:   1059.55
YMax:   1063.51
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   85.69-86.13m.