Corinth Notebook Page: NB 979, spread 17 (pp. 17 - 18)
Entry:   Pg. 17, B 11 is the continuation of foundation trench B 49. Medium yellowish brown sandy clay-like silt with 20% pebbles and 20% cobbles, loose., 28/4/2006, NB979 B11, B 11 is the continuation of foundation trench B 49. Medium yellowish brown sandy clay-
    Pg. 18, Drawing, Starting top plan for Baskets 10 and 11
    Pg. 18, 2006-011-02, projecting corner of wall 260 (from W)
    Pg. 18, 2006-0048, projecting corner of wall 260 (from W)
Date:   28/4/2006