Corinth Object: C 1934 1398
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   C 1934 1398
Category Code:   C
Year:   1934
Object Number:   1398
Description:   Bowl with flaring ring foot, beveled edge, round resting surface, conical undersurface. Straight flaring body rises at 30 degree angle to H00.041, tall vertical rim H00.03, with slightly flaring profile to round lip.
Decoration:   Pale pink slip over interior and upper part of rim with drips down body exterior. Incised spiral on floor; circumference groove on interior at base of rim, 2 below lip. Green glaze, thickly applied to interior but mottled dark to light green, thinly applied to exterior, only partly to interior of foot.
Material:   Fine light red-brown clay with possible mica, rare fine white inclusions.
Munsell Color:   2.5YR 5.5/6
Condition:   Complete profile. Twelve joining frgts., complete except for small hole in body, ca. 1/4 rim. Glaze chipped.
Manufacture:   C78 WM
Dimensions Actual:   H00.069-00.072 D00.062 (foot) D00.064 (rim)
Period:   Frankish (1210-1458 AD)
Chronology:   Early 14th c. context (coin: Philip I Taranto)
Area:   Forum southwest West Shops
Context:   NB143 P155
Provenance:   Venice
Bibliography:   Cited Hesperia 1991 P154 N18
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Monument: Forum southwest West Shops
Basket: NB143 P155
Notebook Page: NB 143, spread 83 (pp. 155 - 156)