Corinth Object: C 1936 669
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   C 1936 669
Category Code:   C
Year:   1936
Object Number:   669
Description:   Plate with vertical ring foot trimmed with broad chamfer, narrow resting surface, nippled under-surface. Body badly warped, rising at ca. 40 degrees to oblique round lip, offset from interior by broad groove. Stacking scar inside and out on upper body.
Decoration:   Off-white slip inside and over lip. Yellow glaze over lip, with isolated stripe on exterior midbody and resting surface.
Material:   Moderately fine, well-compacted light red clay with voids, a few pieces unmixed pale clay (?).
Munsell Color:   5YR 7/6
Condition:   Complete profile. Three joining frgts., complete profile and foot, 3/4 body to lip.
Manufacture:   C83
Dimensions Actual:   H00.070-00.083 D00.082 (foot) D00.246 (max)
Period:   Frankish (1210-1458 AD)
Chronology:   Context 2nd half 13th c.
Area:   South Basilica
Context:   NB153 P22
Bibliography:   Corinth XI N0284
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Publication: Morgan, Corinth 11, 1942
Monument: South Basilica
Basket: NB153 P22
Notebook Page: NB 153, spread 19 (pp. 22 - 23)